Saturday, March 1, 2008


North American Free Trade Agreement: The Democrats vs. My Opinion

NAFTA began on Jan. 1, 1994, as a agreement to remove barriers to trade and investment among the countries of the United States, Canada and Mexico. For the United States and Mexico many tarriffs were eliminated over the years. This successfully allowing free-trade with Mexico by January 2008. The Agricultural free-trade provisions with Canada, we had since 1989, were incorporated into NAFTA. Therefore, by January 1998 all agricultural tariffs with Canada, with a few exceptions, were tariff free. Canada and Mexico also reached there own tariff rulings between there countries under the NAFTA provision.

What do the Democrats mean when they say that jobs will be created if we pull out of NAFTA? This is so very untrue. NAFTA has nothing to do with job loss. Actually more was exported than imported, so how can it be said that jobs were lost? Canada is the number one country we export too, with Mexico being number two. We would loose about $380 billion yearly in trade revenue alone.

Is it a sound decision to pull out of NAFTA when it has such a huge potential of oil revenues for the United States from both Canada and Mexico? About 900 billion barrels per year from Canada in 2007, 600 billion from Mexico alone.

I'm not sure what Obama or Clinton is actually thinking. I believe that they need to re-think their thoughts on NAFTA and the implications that changing anything about it could bring on the United States. Because, I believe the United States would suffer economically from such a drastic decision. We certainly do need the access to the oil from both Canada and Mexico. And what about them being our largest importers? In my eyes it seems to be a pretty good situation for us at this time. I realize there are some things in NAFTA that may not be so appealing. But not everything is perfect. What are your thoughts?



FVS said...

I have to disagree with you here. Throughout history, creditor nations have always imposed tariffs and protected the home market from the socio/economic dislocations that the importation of slave goods, from third world countries, always entails. In fact, tariffs are the first means of defending national sovereignty. As our own folly with so called "free trade" so clearly illustrates, when tariffs are lowered then political treason and corporate corruption are given an incentive to run ramped.

FYI, NAFTA, like the 1957 European Treaty of Rome, is the first step towards abolishing our constitution and our bill of rights; as we surrender all our freedoms and ideals over to barbaric international political bodies such as the United Nations and the WTO. I challenge you to investigate the ongoing stealth North American Union project and the New World Order endgame. You will find plenty of hard hitting info on my blog "Tyranny and Mutation".

It's a mathematical certainty that the hidden price tag included in those cheep imports will be the destruction of the American middle class and leading to our total enslavement within the global feudal economy! Check it out for yourself! There really is no free lunch!

pamelstarr said...

I will check out that information thank you very much!