Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Country Thanksgivin' (song lyrics):

Mama stuffin' Mr. Turkey
Grandma choppin' gizzards
Grandpa fryin' hush puppies
Papa haulin' white lightnin'.

Outside the trees are bare
Leaves fallen everywhere
There's a chill in the air
Remindin' us winter's near.

'Tis a family tradition
A country thanksgivin'.

Musical Interlude

Cranberries poppin' on the stove
Collards simmerin' with onion
The kitchen fillin' up with love
Smellin' of thanksgivin'.

The time is here, the table set
Turkey, roll, pies on the left
Friends and family sit
Prayer, then eat till nothin' left.

'Tis a family tradition
A country thanksgivin'
'Tis a family tradition
A country thanksgivin'...fade.