Friday, March 21, 2008

Help Abused Children And Animals:

The other day, on another blog, someone had posted the comment "What can I do? It doesn't seem to be enough to just sign petitions to save animals from cruelty." Let me answer that here, I've been signing many petitions and sending hundreds of letters to my Congressmen, Senators, Mayors, and any other State Officials in all the states that are involved in whichever animal cruelty issue going on. I have even contacted Diplomats of Foreign Countries. Don't you say it doesn't matter, it makes a difference even if one less animal or one less child is saved. In our world today we need to stand up for those who can't speak up for themselves, and that's the Children and the Animals. Martin Luther King was just "one man", yet his legacy lives on today, the greatness of his work continued even after his death. One person started something. Think about that and tell me that signing that petition or writing that letter isn't going to make a difference. I have seen it happen. If you subscribe to the newsletters of the areas you are advocating then you will see the success stories also.

I've even received letters from the Senators, Congressmen and various others I have written telling me how much my views have opened their eyes and that they will be casting their vote (the way I want) when it goes comes up for voting. You are not alone in this, you have a voice, get others involved, join in with those that already are involved, then you are one of many, you will be heard. Whether as a lone voice or a group. I have seen, since I have been doing this, the average has been about four out of every nine petitions passed into laws or some type of legislation. Therefore, I know that signing petitions and writing letters is effective. We are making a difference. We are saving lives from being abused/neglected or in need of care. Stopping abuse/neglect (or getting the care) of Children and Animals who can't speak for themselves is our job. So take a stand beside me and all the others out there. Sign petitions, write your Congressmen and other officials. Even if we save one life I believe it's worth the effort.

Below are some Petitions:
My number one Petition, if you don't sign any other, is this one as it only has a dozen signatures! It is to say no to all forms of Child Abuse - which includes neglect - here is an excerpt from it: "without the basic utilities in their homes and the sad fact that because of the cost for the services increasing and the status of the parents income staying the same it causes ,depression and the children don't see a way out of the darkness of no utilities into the once again light of a bulb from the usage of electric , nor a drink of water or bath in the tub. its time we take a stand or our children will fall into the darkness of no electricity and want see their way out." Please sign this one at least: NO To all forms of Child Abuse

End Water Poverty
Children Without Lights
Prevent Pediatric HIV/AIDS
Safety of Our Children/Welfare of Farm Animals
Children Targets of Witch hunt
Women & Children in Sex Slavery
To Remove Pedophile Website

Wolf Recovery
End Worldwide Animal Suffering
Artic Refuge
Pebble Mine
End Euthanasia
Officers Murder K-9 Partners
Fight Animal Cruelty
Horse Slaughter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for all your concerns for others like the children and animals who can not do anything to stand up for themselves. thank you for standing up and giving them a voice and helping get the word out so others will get involved too.