Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tips on Being Eco-Friendly:

Being Green Tips:

It's time to save our earth and think about the future generations. There are ways in which we all can contribute. You can be really conscious about it and go entirely eco-friendly or just do some of the tips to do your part.

Many ways to help our environment is to actually stop using soaps, detergents and cleansers that will hurt it. This includes pesticides and even ice melts. You can use the "green" type cleansers in place of what you've been using. Choose water based and low volatile organic compound (VOC)of paints and varnishes. Dispose of all leftover toxic chemicals, pesticides, solvents, and used transmission oil through your county's Hazardous Waste program. This in turn will help the water and land become less toxic for the future generation of yours and mine. I'm sure you don't want to see your great-grandchildren unable to play in the ocean's waves or eat that fish they just caught in the lake.

Even a simple switch from hairsprays or deodorant sprays to deodorant sticks/roll-ons or hair pumps or even foams will create less toxins released into the ozone of the atmosphere. Avoid products that contain ozone depleting ingredients/substances. I'm sure you'd want your great-grandchildren to enjoy taking in that breath of mountain air or would you rather them living under some bubble topped city due to the ozone is not safe and they can't leave the city without special suits or air supply tanks? Many people now must wear oxygen but that's due to their lungs not the air itself. UV rays are dangerous and we are being told that we should use adequate protection when we stay out in the sun now. In some places in our country we have days that people are told that the air is so poor that if possible they should stay inside (Los Angeles, CA & Salt Lake City, UT are just two of those places). Soon if we don't take care of our planet it will get worse and people will be home bound or need special equipment to leave their homes each time. Is that what we really want happening soon for our grand-children and great-grandchildren? I don't, therefore I try and do my part and be green whenever possible.

You can also cut back on using your vehicle. This will save you gas too, which in today's economy is a plus. Try car-pooling or biking to work. Even if you choose to only bike to work say two to three days per week that's less emissions released into the air which affects the ozone.

Choose paper over plastic for bags at the grocery store. Paper is more easily recycled into the dumps/environment. You can also reuse your paper bags for crafts such as making paper mache' or book covers. You can have your children draw designs on it after you open it up and you can then use it also as wrapping paper, grandparents will enjoy this type of special wrapping paper. Paper bags also make great costumes like pirate hats, Indian head-dresses, and a princess' crown. Plastic bags takes years to biodegrade in our landfills. That is due to the fact it blocks the natural flow of oxygen and water through the soil. Whenever the plastic bags reach our oceans it causes thousands of sea turtles and marine life to die each year due to the fact that the bags are mistaken for food. Some states have actually banned the use of plastic bags or at least placed an additional usage tax on them when the consumer chooses them over paper or reusable bags. However, if the consumer brings in their own "plastic bags for that purchase" then the tax is not implemented. The other choice, which is now being even more preferred over paper is the organic cotton reusable bags. These are bags in which you, the consumer, would purchase then take with you to the market whenever you shop.

By buying organic foods, you are supporting eco-friendly farmers. Because they are not using pesticides that would normally harm the environment. Also pesticides can possibly harm you and your children's health. There are environmentally friendly ways to keep away pests from orchards and gardens in order to have a good harvest. So be supportive of your co-environmentalist and buy his produce.

Recycle aluminum cans, newspapers and plastic bottles is another way to help contribute. In this way you will be reducing emissions that contribute to global warming. Buy Recycled products also.

Turn off lights when you are not going to be in a room for at least fifteen minutes. This helps conserve energy - which is also a resource that will be a reduction in global warming if we conserve it and not abuse it.

These are just a few ways to begin being eco-friendly. If you want to become more "green" conscious try visiting the sites below for additional information.

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