Friday, May 16, 2008

Tips In Avoiding Kidney Disease:

In today's society due to the many medications,and other factors, Kidney disease has become more common than Diabetes now. Kidney disease will help bring about deterioration to the heart and premature death along with contributing to osteoporosis and anemia. Putting more pressure and deterioration on your kidneys causing one to have to undergo dialysis or even kidney transplant when it is severe enough.

Therefore, we must be better prepared in taking care of our kidneys. Here are a few things you can do to help prevent or avoid Kidney Disease for as long as you can. Hopefully entirely.

1) Do not take large doses of pain relievers like Advil, Aleve, Motrin or Aspirin on a daily basis. As this can damage your kidneys.

2) When taking medications Please follow all directions carefully. Do not take extra medication without consulting your Doctor or Pharmacist--when you do ask how it will affect your kidneys if you are needing to take extra for a short time.

3) Remember to tell your Doctor about all the medications, vitamins and even herbal remedies/supplements that you may be taking over-the-counter (non-prescribed). This way your Doctor is aware of everything you are putting into your body and knows how they are best interacting with your liver and kidneys. The Doctor may then be able to best inform you as to if you need to change or quit taking something as it may be harmful to your kidneys in conjunction with some of the other medications and supplements you are taking too.

4) Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Cut down on colas/soda pop as they tend to form kidney stones.

5) Limit your protein intake. As protein has been found to stess kidneys that may already be slightly damaged or burdened.

6) Reduce your salt. Salt isn't excreted by kidney's well if they are damaged. Besides it will also lower your blood pressure.

7) Lower your blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure it will affect your kidneys. Thus, lowering it will cut your risk for kidney disease.

8) Being overweight increases your risk of kidney failure. Therefore, loose weight if you need to and keep it at the correct weight for your frame size. Before beginning any weight loss regime please check with your Doctor.

Remember, we only get one body and our body is our temple. Therefore, it is up to us to keep them in good shape. By following these tips I am not telling you that you will never get kidney disease. But I am saying that you may be able to help fend it off or prevent it longer. Hopefully, you will never get it, but I can't promise that. Water is an important factor for kidneys and most of your vital organs therefore, replenish your body frequently year round with plenty of water.

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