Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Is Giving Better Than Receiving?

I may not be wealthy enough to buy everyone what they want in life. Somehow, I do manage to give something to each person that they will appreciate. My mother and children learned years ago not to go card shopping with me. Why? Because, I felt that even if I couldn't have the money to send a gift to a friend for their birthday I would send a card. The card had to be perfect for that person. I could spend up to five or six hours in stores searching for just the right card with the perfect sentiment. I'd read every card in every store until I'd find the right card. It always paid off, as I was always complimented with "you always send the perfect cards. How do you ever do that?" I'd chuckle under my breathe and think 'if you only knew how long I searched, but you were worth it.' But in reality I'd just say "Aw shucks, it just said you." It was my way of giving myself by searching out for that perfect card. Nowadays, we can make our own on the computers. We can create our own greeting prose and pictures even, this personalizes it even more. It also ends those grueling searches, how I miss them though.

All my life I have enjoyed giving more than receiving, even as a child. I enjoyed watching others open cards and gifts I'd give them with baited breath. I wanted to be sure it was the right thing, not something disappointing. I wanted to see that smile from ear to ear. Yes, I've enjoyed receiving, but I must admit I am addicted to giving the most. I can not afford to give as I would like due to finances though. So I must shop ever so diligently all year at clearance sales to find my treasures of pleasure. I also am a crafty and artistic person which comes in handy in creating some of my gifts. For some of my recipients would rather have something handmade than store-bought. A plus for me, I might add. I have a closet in which I place all my items I make or buy throughout the year. These items are normally made/bought already with someone special in mind. Therefore, they are placed in a separate bag for just that person. As that person's birthday comes about a gift is wrapped and readied. The same for Christmas and other occasions such as upcoming bridal/baby showers. I love to give with love on a budget.

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