Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Help Stop Global Warming Here:

If you are interested in doing something, even in a small way, to help lessen the impact of global warming visit this site:

Help stop global warming by offsetting one pound of carbon emissions - for free! When you click this link, Care2 makes a donation to offset one pound of carbon emissions, every day that you click.

Carbon, and other greenhouse gases, released into the air by power plants and cars
contribute to global warming.

Each day, you can take a small step in slowing global warming by offsetting some of your emissions. Forward this message to your friends to help offset even more!

Simply go to the site and click on the "Offset One Pound Carbon" button.

It takes one second. Remember, you're only allowed one click per day, so tell everyone you know!

Just click: stopglobalwarming

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