Monday, May 19, 2008

Making My Favorite Sandwich:

The best ingredient by far for any sandwich is homemade bread. Especially when you have taken the time to mix, knead and wait for it to rise. Knead it again, let it rise once more, then bake it in the oven. The whole process takes about five to six hours to complete. However, you efforts are fully rewarded with fresh home baked bread for your favorite sandwich. Can you smell it? The aroma wafting from the kitchen as it sits upon the counter cooling to the correct temperature to be cut. It makes my mouth water all the more in anticipation for my favorite pastrami and swiss cheese on warm freshly baked wheat bread. Some people prefer rye, others even white for their pastrami and swiss cheese sandwiches. Whatever your preference it's always best with homemade bread.

After the bread is cooled enough to cut, without tearing it, you then proceed to smear a bit of mustard unto one slice. On the opposing slice you slather it with some Miracle Whip. Then you get out the baby swiss cheese, as it has the best flavor of most swiss cheeses when combined with pastrami. Placing plenty of cheese, on the bottom slice of bread, that has the Miracle Whip on it. I like at least two slices maybe three on my sandwich, I don't like skimpy sandwiches at all. You could choose Turkey pastrami if you are on a diet but I'd rather have the real thing even when I'm dieting. I want my mouth to enjoy the full flavor-fest of my experience of a pastrami and swiss cheese sandwich. After all, why make it if it's not that enjoyable? Then I add loads of pastrami as I pile it on thick in a folding motion, like rolling a third on top of one another. I do this with four slices across the size of a normal size piece of bread. Then I do another layer on top of that once more in the opposite direction. Using this method I am sure to cover all the corners of the bread, including the crust with plenty of pastrami inside. Yes, I love pastrami, don't I? Then I place a slice of lettuce and three to four pepperoncini peppers on top. I then top it with the other slice of bread. Holding the sandwich together I then cut it diagonally. Ever since I was a child I have always thought sandwiches tasted better when cut diagonally opposed to cutting straight across. I know it probably sounds silly however it is how I enjoy my sandwiches best. I then place a dill pickle spear or two, to the side of the sandwich, upon the plate. A pile of chips or potato salad with a glass of iced tea. A perfect meal.

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