Friday, February 22, 2008

Life Support And Patient Rights:

Should The Family Disregard the Patients rights; Not If There's A Living Will

In my living will I have it designated that after six weeks on life support, if no improvement or if I am brain damaged beyond quality of life, like a vegetable, or will be unable to live without being on the machines then "harvest my organs and discontinue life support." My children and husband and family members know of and have copies of my living will. I expect them to follow my wishes. My mother did not want to be put on life support so in her living will she did not have a total DNR but did have it to where she would just have fluids to sustain and make her comfortable. Dehydration is a horrible way to die, so withholding even that is in-human for oneself.

Family should always show their respect for their loved one's by acknowledging and doing whatever it is they wish. However it is up to that loved one to have a living will in order to be sure that the family is sure of their wishes and nobody is just guessing or arguing or saying "but she/he told me this or that." Put it in writing and be sure the appropriate people get a copy so there are no reason to not follow through with your wishes. Life support is a very touchy topic and it can be overturned in court if you don't have a proper Living Will. Do your part now while you are in the proper frame of mind and there can be no reason for your family not to follow your wishes.

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