Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Austrian Man Holds Daughter Captive:

Josef Fitzl held his daughter captive for twenty-four years in his basement. Claiming she ran away all this time, after he had handcuffed and raped her in the basement. His wife apparently has been unaware of his actions. During these twenty-four years he has continued to rape his daughter, fathering seven children. One of those children a twin at birth died shortly after. He continued to maintain the illusion that his daughter had run away and joined a cult even when he took three of his daughter's children out of the basement to live with him and his wife upstairs. He told his wife his daughter contacted him in regards to leaving the children in their care. The other three children remained with his daughter in the basement to live, never seeing the light of day.

The eldest grand-daughter, in the basement, aged nineteen fell unconscious. Therefore, Josef's daughter pleaded that he take her to the hospital. He did as she asked telling the hospital staff, and his wife that his daughter left her on his doorstep with a note that said to get her medical care. Unknown to him the daughter had placed a note in the girl's pocket pleading for help. The nursing staff discovered the note and issued a statement on the news that "more information was needed from the mother of the child to please come forward." The daughter pleaded with her father to take her and the remaining two children to the hospital, which he did. He told his wife that their daughter and her remaining children had finally returned home and needed to go to the hospital.

It was then that the daughter told her story. After she was promised that she would never have to see her father again. She assured authorities, that she believed, her mother never knew about her whereabouts or the rapes.

The mother and children are being treated. They will have a long road ahead since some of this will be mental--never seeing the light of day for these children in their lifetimes.

The basement was investigated and they found a small living quarters set up. Josef was arrested and confessed. He is now facing fifteen years. Fifteen years?

I have a problem with him only serving fifteen years. This has impacted many people. His daughter who he began molesting at age eleven. Then when she was eighteen he tricked her to go into the basement with him, drugged her then handcuffed her to a bed to hold her captive. Since then he has raped her for twenty-four years. The three children who lived with her now aged nineteen, eighteen and five year old never saw the light of day while in the basement. Then there's the three children who believed their mother didn't want them but gave them away. And the infant twin who died at childbirth due to not having proper facilities. It's definitely not long enough in my book. What's your opinion?




Anonymous said...

I am astonished that this despicable, evil, perverted man is only facing 15 years in prison. Although he will hopefully die within that time, it simply isn't enough and he should be locked up for the rest of his life. This crime is beyond all comprehension and it, if it had been written as a film or book, you would think it unbelievable. I am astonished that he was able to lead this double life for almost a quarter of a century without being detected. May he rot in prison until the time comes for him to rot in hell.

pamelstarr said...

Very well put. I'm stunned by the many lives he has affected that he's only getting such a short sentence also. That's what propelled me to write the article. There are many crimes being committed all over our world. Some get proper justice while others fail to get any or even the justice they truly deserve, like this one.