Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Poet's Corner:

One Last Hike?

I can see the majestic eagle soar,
Over the distant mountaintops,
I can hear the river's babbling roar,
As it flows over the rolling rocks.

I behold the effervescent waterfall,
I watch silently, the wildlife below,
As they frolic at the edge of the watering hole,
Under the waterfall's mist, I eye a rainbow.

Leaving this oasis of nature, I suddenly turn sad,
Fearing the future, I drop to the ground, in angst I cry,
Mining, Power Plants, Homes, will displace nature, makes me mad,
Unless we speak out, with nowhere to go, everything will die.

*Dedicated to all our Wildlife that's loosing their homes and lives. To our Roadless and Wilderness areas that are being destroyed. We have a voice that we must use to stop this senselessness before it goes any further. Stand up and be heard. For our precious natural resources, our wildlife that share this planet with us. Also for the future of your generations to see and share in the same experiences.

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