Sunday, April 6, 2008

Children's Behavior in Restaurants:

My husband and I have gone to a few restaurant's over the past few months noticing some children's behavior as unruly. In our Grand-parent's, Parent's and even our time of being Parent's such behavior was not allowed. I understand that in some states it is considered child abuse (in Utah) to even spank your child in public. However, there does come a time where some discipline needs to be made or the parents need to pack up the kids and leave the restaurant. Patrons pay to go there to "enjoy" a nice meal and an evening out. Something some people can afford to do more often than others. However often people get to do so, it should still be a pleasant enough experience. They should not have to deal with children running around their table yelling nor shaking their table nor kicking their chairs. All because the children's parents may feel disciple is unnecessary or want to raise their children naturally. Maybe it's just that the parents have tuned them out or just can't control them so they ignore them instead. Whatever the reason it's disruptive to the others in the restaurant. This includes even fast-food places, except the areas that have play-yards so that children can run and let off steam.

In my opinion, the parents need to diffuse the situation as quickly as it starts. They could take the child to the restroom and either talk to them or give their hand or bottom a slight swat. I'm not saying beat them. A little tap will get their attention even if it's just across the fingers. After talking in a firm voice or a little hand tap give them another chance to sit at the table. If that fails get your food to go. Then pack up your family and leave the restaurant. Being sure to let your children know it's because of their actions. Make sure that they don't get any dessert. Even if dessert was ordered do not pack it to go, just leave it behind. Let them know the dessert is being left because they couldn't behave. Maybe next time if they behave through an entire meal, and you can stay at the restaurant, they will get their dessert. Do not cave in, no matter how young and innocent they are, you need to be strong and stay decisive. Remember, there are other people to consider in the restaurant too. If you want your children running wild when you are eating then just stay home and eat until they are old enough to behave or get a baby-sitter.

In my day my parents would have paddled my bottom right there in front of everyone. If any of us kids still continued to be disruptive we would then be sent to the car. We would then wait in the car while the rest of the family finished eating, we knew better than to get out too. Then when we got home we were sent to our room. In society today discipline is more lax due to children claiming abuse (sometimes untruthfully). It's very easy for children to scream abuse now and the cops show up and parents be in trouble just because they "spanked" their child. Therefore, many parents opt to not spank children as a disciplinary action. However, you can't totally let children go without any discipline whatsoever. You must find an alternative means that works. Even if sometimes it means you will have to make concessions. Such as go out less or get a baby-sitter if your child can't behave in public. Or even leave a movie or restaurant early due to the child's behavior.

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