Saturday, December 22, 2018

10 Vinegar Tips to Hack the Holidays Vinegar is the gift that keeps on giving! These easy vinegar tips will help you welcome guests without stress and keep spirits high during the holidays!

1) Avoid holiday tears when your little ones wash up for company! Easily detangle kids’ hair with a quick splash of apple cider vinegar during the final rinse.

2) Don’t be naughty this Christmas! Take 1 tbsp of organic apple cider vinegar 3 times a day by mouth; it may help ease some sinus aches and pains.

3) Don’t let a sore throat sour your holiday parties! Gargling a mixture of warm water and a spoonful of organic apple cider vinegar may help soothe throat pain.

4) Too many candy canes? Calm upset stomachs by putting a few spoonfuls of peppermint vinegar in a glass of warm water. Make peppermint vinegar at home by putting a few leaves of peppermint in a jar of organic apple cider vinegar and letting it sit in a dark cabinet for at least 3 days.

5) Don’t let your cough get in the way of your holiday laughter! Use this special vinegar treatment. Mix ½ cup of organic apple cider vinegar, ½ cup of water, 1 tsp cayenne pepper and ¼ cup of honey. Take one tablespoon of the mixture as soon as a cough appears and again before bed.

6) If your heating unit is making your rooms dry, make sure you are keeping your humidifiers on! Clean your room humidifiers with equal parts water and white distilled vinegar. Soak each of the parts in the solution overnight and rinse the water reservoir with the solution as well. This will prevent mold and bacteria from growing in the humidifier.

7) Polish wood paneling with a solution of ¼ cup olive oil, ½ cup white distilled vinegar, and 2 cups of warm water. Wipe wood paneling with a soft cloth. Do not use with waxed wood as it can ruin the finish and leave a cloudy mark.

8) Is the family staying over for the holidays? Remove build-up on the guest room showerhead. Pour ½ cup of baking soda and 1 cup of white distilled vinegar into a sandwich bag and tie the bag around the showerhead. Let the mixture set for an hour or until the bubbling has stopped. Remove the bag and turn on water for best results.

9) Get ready for the family reunions to begin! Deodorize the toilet bowl for holiday guests quickly by adding 3 cups of white distilled vinegar to the bowl. Let sit for half an hour before flushing.

10) Did the kids draw on the couch again? Use full strength vinegar to remove ballpoint pen marks on cloth furniture. Blot the area gently until the marks are gone.


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