Saturday, June 7, 2008

Houstan Death From Salmonellosis:

The CDC is currently investigating the death of a Houston woman, Wednesday, to determine if it is related to current raw tomato outbreak of Salmonella. The woman had an immuno-suppressed system as she had lymphoma.

There have been approximately, to date, one hundred and forty nine people infected from the Salmonella outbreak.

The Texas Board Of Health has determined that the source of the raw tomato outbreak is not from any tomatoes found in Texas. The Whole Foods grocery chain in Texas has however pulled the tomatoes off the shelves for the public's safety.

The CDC states the safest way to deal with tomatoes is not to buy the roma, round or pear-shaped tomatoes. The safe ones are homegrown, ones attached to the vine, grape and cherry tomatoes. However, if you already have the others don't eat them raw. If you cook them at one hundred and forty five degrees this will kill off the Salmonella germs. Also, please be careful in washing your hands before and after handling tomatoes. Keep tomatoes separate from all raw meat/seafood. Wash all cutting boards/utensils/countertops, that you use for cutting tomatoes, with hot soapy water, rinsing well afterwards. Also before cutting any other food.

Using can tomatoes is one of the safest options; some restaurants are beginning to use this option for the public's safety. One such restaurant includes Jack In The Box in California. To date only one person in California has been infected, it is believed she contracted it on a recent trip to Houstan though.

Seek medical attention if you suspect Salmonella poisoning. The symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, headache, stomach pain and occasional vomiting.

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