Saturday, June 21, 2008

Followup On Neck Nerve Injections:

Went back on the 18th of June for my second injection. This time I also needed a trigger point injection in the side of my neck. Somehow I had tweaked my neck according to the Specialist.

The trigger point injection was the same kind of Cortisone and Marcain mixture as the Specialist put into my neck between my vertebraes. However, with the trigger point injection it is not necessary to have to go to the Surgery Center in order to have them. The specialist told me I could get them at his office easily enough. They don't need x-rays taken like the nerve block injections. They palpate the site where the knot from your pulled muscle, or strain or whatever is and then they place the shot mixture into the site. There is no premedication of Marcain it is mixed into the shot. Therefore, it is a bit painful when injected. Then the site is massaged with pressure. This was uncomfortable yes. However, I noticed relief in the area within twenty-four hours. So it is a great way to get relief when it can be done.

As for the first Nerve Block Injection I had not noticed much pain relief, except for one week after the shot. After that my pain returned. The nurse who called me, to remind me of the Injection, stated that most people find the greatest relief after the second part of the shot is administered. Therefore, with great trepidation and hesitation I went forward with the second injection.

I still got a migraine as I did last time, however it only lasted about forty-two hours instead of seventy-seven hours as the last time. I also had a lot of aching and need for the Vicodin and heating pad for the first forty-five hours. The first time it lasted closer to seventy-four hours. Therefore, the side-effects for the second shot did not last as long as the first one. I am, at this moment, fairly comfortable with less aching in my neck and shoulders than I have been yet. I am hoping this feeling of relief continues.

I am to call and schedule an appointment with the Specialist anytime in two to four weeks. At the appointment we will determine whether or not to continue this therapy. It will depend on the amount of relief I seem to be getting. I will keep you posted.

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