Saturday, May 19, 2018

Beware of Senior Scams

Beware of scams that prey on senior citizens when you search online. Some might ask for all your personal information. Be cautious and read the details of any online offer. When in doubt, contact the Better Business Bureau for help.
The BBB are serious about any complaints or issues you have with a company. This month I decided I was going to do a bankruptcy on my Student Loan. Well, after the guy signed me up for a Chapter 7 and I paid the money the next day I talked to someone else and was told that Chapter 7 bankruptcy doesn't cover discharging of Student Loans. So I went and contacted the company and they refused to give me my money back after talking to 3 ppl. Next step I took was the BBB and the BBB contacted them and I got my money, in full, returned. If you fall into a scam or find out that you were talked into something you didn't want and the company says no to a refund. Don't forget that the BBB is there for you.

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