Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Physical Therapy Routine Etc:

Lately, most of my time has been spent at the doctors' offices or having physical therapy. I had twelve falls in about a week's time. Eight of those times I ended up falling, with my full weight, unto my Right knee. Needless to say I had to go get a MRI of the knee. It's nothing surgical my doctor says and just adds additional orders to the physical therapy I am already getting. I had started only a month earlier receiving physical therapy for a fall that involved my neck. Because of this I have no idea if the shots that Dr. Hope had given me truly has worked (I'll let you know more in a moment). During Physical Therapy last week my therapist tried a technique that is suppose to hopefully decrease my dizziness of my Menieres. We talked about it for about two weeks so we went ahead and did it. However, the worst part was not the way he pulled me down so fast or twisted my neck making me dizzier. It was that I could not bend over of lie prone for three full days afterwards. No leaning over even more that a three to five percent angle. Well, I blew that the second day, when nobody was here, and I dropped something and bent over to retrieve it. I told him today. He plans on re-doing the technique again this Thursday (July 31st), in the afternoon.

The morning of July 31st I will be seeing Dr. Hope in regards as to whether we should continue the nerve block injections. I have such terrible pain, where I cry so much for the first 48 to 72 hrs. However, it's suppose to get better each new time-- Dr. Hope says it should lessen over time. If I do it we will have to see how often the shots are needed to best benefit my pain management. I only have one big problem with this-------it's not helping my joint pain below the neck/shoulders.

I still have fatigue and joint pain in the early morning and late afternoon each day. I'm also have some intestinal problems which I will blog about later as I have been diagnosed with both fatty liver disease and lactose intolerance these past two months.....I am currently awaiting another status of an additional test.

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