Sunday, December 20, 2009

Gingerbread Men

Roll, roll the brown dough
Spread the flour thick
So the dough don’t stick
On the rolling pin.

Cut out little men
With a cookie cutter
Put them on the pan
Cook in the oven.

Pull them out when done
Decorate cookies with icing
Making smiles and buttons
Eat them while still warm, yum!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Poet's Corner: Pasties


Don't forget the Pasties
Tonight for the Party
Party? Pasties?
That's a new side to my hubby.

He came in the door
At half past four
I displayed pasties in red
He grinned and shook his head.

I buttoned up, as we dashed out the door
Off to my husband's brothers
Oh No, oh me, oh my
I learn, Pasties are a Pie.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm Back

Hi, Did you miss me?
Let me tell you what's been going on and where I've been or should I say where we are now?.

First off Russ wasn't working due to his he had to apply for SSD. In the meantime we tried living on mine. Which wasn't easy 'cause we couldn't pay our mortgage at all.

Let me tell you DO NOT BELIEVE THE B.S. THAT THE GOVERNMENT WILL HELP PEOPLE WITH THEIR MORTGAGES BECAUSE IF ANYONE NEEDED IT BADLY WE DID AND THEY WOULD NOT! They are only wanting to help those with Perfect credit and high-paying jobs! We didn't fit either category! So we made a choice to give up the house before foreclosure.

Russ finally got his SSD in March and we looked at places closer to his kids. We didn't want to be too close due to we didn't want them to decide, at the last minute, to drop off the grandkids for us to babysit. We found a fourplex that we liked. The landlords normally didn't take pets without approval, so we had to take Sammie and Jaws on an interview. They were both on their best behavior and passed. We are twenty one miles from the kids--we figured that's far enough that they will call for us to babysit. We have already babysat once and will be doing so this weekend and Monday too. It's nice to have it planned out in advance this way though.

We live outside our little town of Buhl, seven miles outside of it--near the dairies--and into the country. Three miles down the road is the Hot Springs, five miles from us is a pool, a few more miles is some of the best fishing in this part of the State (being that we live in the Thousand Springs Area). Yes, there is a Golf course nofar either as it is Russ' favorite sport. Buhl is the type of small country town that you can go get a burger and bump into farmer Frank and talk for an hour and a half about this and that and never be in a rush. Nobody at the burger joint rushes you, Frank doesn't nor do just sit and relax and enjoy the day that way. It's the way of country life here. Our day begins with the sounds of cows mooing, birds chirping, dogs barking, geese cackling, pheasants crowing and the sun peeking into our bedroom window. We walk the dogs outside to the fence and watch as the cows in the pasture mosey around and the clouds drift by the sun while the wind blows through the grass. Right now spring has sprung the tulips have blossomed red and yellow. Purple and white crocuses in their crowning glory, the rhubarb is growing taller by the day, Sammie and Jaws are rolling in the green grass, the wind is softly playing the chimes. Sammie goes on point as the cows move toward home as the sun becomes lower in the sky. She's thinking this may be the time she gets herself one (haha), Russ calls her back, the first time Jaws heard a cow moo he hid behind me (not anymore though), now he tries to climb through the fence. Purple and red fill the sky as we walk to the porch and watch the sun finish setting. Sigh.....the end of another day in the country.

As for our health -- finally I found a pain specialist in Pocatello before we moved who found the right combination of meds that are working for my Fibromyalgia. I am going to keep going to her every three months. As for Russ--the shot for $5,200.00 per month wasn't working so they took him off of it a few weeks before we left. They want to wait four months and start him on anti-rejection drugs for his MS. Our total time from renting the apartment to moving was six days then we didn't have internet for so long that's part of the reason I've been gone so long too. Besides not feeling even good enough to type on the keyboard nor even knit.

Well, take care everyone.